Pavel Nakonechnyy

📄 Documenting Projects: The Essentials

Published by Pavel Nakonechnyy on in Business Analysis.

When it comes to managing projects effectively, having the right documentation is crucial. In my opinion the documents that are important on almost any project are:

1. Document Router
Create a single point of access for all project artifacts. This could be a Confluence page, shared Folder, a Notion space, or a simple Google Doc. It should contain links to various tools and sources, eliminating the need to memorize paths to find files.

2. Project Process Artifacts
Transparency in the work process is key! Include flowcharts of the development process, task statuses, backlog boards, project schedules, and contact lists. This documentation not only streamlines the workflow but also eases the burden on analysts and managers.

3. Glossary
A glossary helps ensure all team members are on the same page, especially when dealing with specialized terms . Even a few definitions can clarify ambiguities.

4. Business Needs and Processes
Keep business requirements visible to avoid misunderstandings with clients. Remember, while the Agile manifesto prioritizes working products over exhaustive documentation, a clear understanding of objectives is essential.

5. Conceptual System Model
Outline key entities, functionalities, and interactions with other systems. Use diagrams (IDEF0, BPMN) or simple textual lists to illustrate how your system operates.

6. User Classes and Access Levels
Documenting user roles is vital for developing requirements and preventing access issues.

7. Use Scenarios
Even if not used for requirements, having scenarios can guide user or tech support interactions.

8. System Operation Logic
Clearly define how the system operates, referencing requirements in tasks rather than the other way around. For example, the formula of cost calculation is most likely set by the Business Rules, it should be documented and referred to from the tasks.

9. API Documentation
Provide detailed descriptions of API parameters, especially if external integrations are involved.

10. Test Data
Document environments and accounts to streamline the testing process and minimize repetitive questions.

11. Assumptions and Limitations
Record any agreed-upon expectations, such as user limits or data import schedules, to avoid future complications.

By maintaining these documents, you can enhance clarity, efficiency, and collaboration within your project teams. Happy documenting! 🚀