Digital Leadership & Soft Skills

The HADI Cycle for Hypothesis Testing

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

The HADI cycle is a framework used in business and problem-solving to generate and test hypotheses. The acronym HADI stands for Hypothesis, Action, Data, and Insight. This cycle helps organizations organize their test results and gain insights about their business activity. In this article, you’ll learn the steps of HADI cycle, its benefits and considerations […]

Intro into ITIL books, ITIL Certification and Materials for Study

Published on in IT Management.

ITIL is a world-renowned IT framework dedicated mainly to IT Service Management (ITSM) and other management systems delivering business value to their customers. ITIL has provided thorough, practical, and proven guidelines for developing an IT service management system for the last 30 years. It has also promoted continuous development for enterprises using and providing IT-enabled […]

Force Field Analysis and its Applications

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

A Force Field Analysis is a decision-making tool used to assess the importance, impact, and influence of various factors on proposed changes in business processes. It helps identify and evaluate the driving forces and restraining forces associated with a solution. Force Field Analysis allows BAs to make structured recommendations on how to strengthen the forces […]

📕 Business Activity Models (BAM) in Business Analysis

Published on in Business Analysis.

A Business Activity Model (BAM) is a conceptual model that depicts the activities and logical dependencies within an organization from a stakeholder’s perspective. It provides a high-level view of what the organization does and captures the world view of a particular stakeholder. BAMs are used to explore, understand, and develop business requirements. Initially, there will […]

Why Memo is better than Slides

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Recently, I read an interview with Jeff Bezos by Lex Friedman where the famous entrepreneur explains why Amazon doesn’t use PowerPoint for meetings. He lists 3 reasons for that: PowerPoint is designed to persuade. Slides are a sales tool. And inside the company, you shouldn’t sell. You all are truth-seeking. Slides are easy for the […]

Project Workstreams. The mistake of “everyone does everything” on large projects

Published on (updated: ) in Project Management.

Large projects often face the challenge of managing numerous people working over extended periods of time. This can lead to various issues, including the mistake of “everyone does everything.” This approach can result in serious risks, including planners leaving gaps in the project plan by failing to anticipate all the required activities, team members failing […]

Review of Kanboard as a Task Tracker for a Single User

Published on (updated: ) in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Recently, I have grown tired of both Trello with its paid integrations and the manual Kanban process in the wiki table with links to subpages. Then I decided to give an open-source solution a try. I was looking for a system made with PHP, a nice design and a somewhat alive ecosystem. My rather uninformed […]

What is a Relative Market Share (RMS)

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Relative market share is a metric that helps companies identify their position in the market compared to their leading competitor. Relative market share is calculated by dividing the market share of the company under consideration by the market share of its strongest competitor. Relative market share can also be calculated by comparing a company’s sales […]

💡 How to structure big processes in BPMN

Published on in Business Analysis.

The approach to dealing with complexity has been “Divide et Impera” since the Roman Empire, which means breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. In BP modelling, if your end-to-end process is too big to deal with, it probably means that you are modelling at a too detailed level. The solution is […]

Top 3 mistakes when working in English-speaking environment as a non-native speaker

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Working in a primarily English-speaking business environment as a non-native speaker can present significant challenges. As someone who has worked in this type of environment for over two years, I have made major adjustments to my initial tactics and have become a much better Business English communicator. In this article, I will describe some of […]

⛓ Porter’s five forces model

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Much of the business analyst’s work is to assess the costs and benefits of delivering a project to the organization. To do that, business analyst has to know a fair bit of strategy analysis.  Strategy analysis covers a range of techniques that can be used to understand the business direction and the strengths and weaknesses […]

The MoSCoW prioritization method for Business Requirements

Published on (updated: ) in Project Management.

The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used in project management to categorize business requirements into four categories: Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won’t have. This allows business to prioritize which project requirements provide the best return on investment (ROI). 1. Must have: These are the essential requirements that are critical for the […]

Requirement Types

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Have you ever started writing a Requirements document for your next Software project that has turned into a mess as you’ve been pouring more and more information there? I certainly did. Hopefully, there’s are clear solutions to this problem. First one, I’d say is having a clear document structure. But that’s clearly not enough if […]

Common Misconceptions About Requirements Engineering

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Conflation of Requirement Types Business analysts often confuse different requirement levels and types. One challenge is understanding the classification of requirements, while another is grasping the fundamental types. Business analysts often mistakenly use terms like “system requirements” and “user requirements” interchangeably, when in fact they refer to elements at different levels of abstraction. System Requirements […]

HD-RW-RM task setting method

Published on (updated: ) in Project Management.

In the name of the HD-RW-RM method, capital letters correspond to the first letters of the names of the blocks, and the hyphen serves to remember the rhyme (sang to himself: “h di – ar double u – ar em”). Structure H – Header The title of the task, beginning with a verb, indicating the […]

Setting Project Goals: Zielkreuz method

Published on (updated: ) in Project Management.

In English-speaking world we are used to hear SMART when talking about goals. However, German has an alternative – Zielkreuz, translated as Target Cross. In order to formulate overarching goals or sub-goals of a development project and to set milestones and indicators, it is also advisable to work with the crosshairs. It is particularly good […]

🔧 Requirements Engineering and its applications for Business Analysis

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Requirement engineering is a systematic and disciplined approach to the specification and management of requirements with the following goals: Knowing the relevant requirements, achieving a consensus among the stakeholders about these requirements, documenting them according to given standards and managing them systematically. Understanding and documenting the stakeholders’ desire and needs, they specifying and managing requirements […]

📚 Rewired. The McKinsey guide to outcompeting in the age of digital and AI

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

On June 20, McKinsey has released a new book. It was written by Eric Lamarr, Kate Smayer and Rodney W. Semmel. Annotation: Most companies have started a digital and AI transformation, but very few have done the fundamental organizational rewiring needed to build the capabilities to drive continuous innovation across the enterprise. After analyzing the […]

How to create innovation with situational Research and Development

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Research and Development process is s a central part of how companies generate revenue and how they get better over time. RnD is just thinking about how you can develop more ideas or more products and services that serve the needs of users or customers in a better and more fulfilling way. Research and Development […]

Why should you work in an international company

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Article is based on the 2014 interview with now President of the World Bank Ajay Banga conducted by Stanford Graduate School of Business. Here are some potential reasons why someone might choose to work in an international company: Competitive salaries and benefits. International companies often offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract top talent. “When […]