Pavel Nakonechnyy

How to create Project Status Update Dashboard in Confluence

Published by Pavel Nakonechnyy on in Project Management.

Have you ever spent one hour writing a Project Status Update email collecting updates from a dozen of colleagues in chat? I have. And you know what? I don’t want to ever repeat that experience.
If you use Jira or at least Trello in your workflow, you may say “Let’s make the requestor check statuses over there.” Believe me, you won’t be able to make them. Especially when it comes to large projects involving people outside of your usual stakeholder environment.
Let me show you the way how you can use Confluence to create a single page with an online at-a-glance report with statuses for all the moving parts within a project.
For this guide, I’ll use a project like this:

Let’s create a new Confluence page for the dashboard. On this page, there’ll be just a single macro for JIRA. With a simple filter, we’re able to select all our cards into the macros:

It’s neat looking already. However, just a simple label with “TO DO” or “IN PROGRESS” status is usually not enough for the requestor as they want to know what we have already achieved to date.


To do that we can tweak the macro’s Display options by adding a Description there.

Now you can elaborate on details of the task within JIRA and Requestor can see all his tasks (as set in the issue filter) on a single page.
Confluence also allows you to export this page as a PDF report you can then share with the stakeholders as an email attachment. At least it saves you the hustle of manually collecting all the updates and presenting them in a nicely formatted way.
I hope this little guide will help you in your everyday work and you’ll be able to employ Confluence to present stakeholders Project Status Updates from now on.