Pavel Nakonechnyy

HD-RW-RM task setting method

Published by Pavel Nakonechnyy on in Project Management.

In the name of the HD-RW-RM method, capital letters correspond to the first letters of the names of the blocks, and the hyphen serves to remember the rhyme (sang to himself: “h di – ar double u – ar em”).


H – Header

The title of the task, beginning with a verb, indicating the final action (result). The title conveys the essence of the task.

Why so detailed? When tasks accumulate, such headings help you navigate faster, and it’s also clear at a glance what is required.

Example: send a Brand Lift presentation to a client via email.

D – Description

Introduction to the problem or description in free form.

Example: Alex, hello! The team received, analyzed the data, put it into slides and finalized the Brand Lift presentation for the client, it remains to double-check for spelling and punctuation and you can send it.

R – Result

We describe exact and calculable criteria for completing a task or set more abstract conceptual criteria for passing a task (usually, RnD tasks).

Result – specific result

When we understand the exact criteria for the success of a task.

Example: the client should have a Brand Lift presentation at 16:00 on March 13 in PDF format (no more than 5 mb), upload it to Google Drive and duplicate the link in case the downloaded file does not open.

RnD goal

RnD Goal is set when the direction is approximately clear, but it is necessary to elaborate the criteria for the end result as part of the task.

Example: Need to develop the best Brand Lift presentation template on the market.

W – Way

This block can be fulfilled in two ways:

  • direct – make it clear where to start, or
  • set specific keypoints that we will monitor.

The difference lies in the complexity of the task and the competency of the performer. An expert can be directed and then he will figure it out himself, and a Junior level employee needs details and, probably, you will need to repeatedly intervene and motivate. In RnD tasks, the task author himself may not understand the criteria for the success of the final result, and repeated update is required.


General understanding of the direction.

Example: start with competitor analysis, then find and view the best public domain works around the world.

Phase Gates (control points)

Synchronization is carried out on Phase Gates, which the initiator must explicitly enter into the task manager. Task performer must not proceed to the next phase without intermediate approval (optional).


  1. Identify the needs of customers for the visual design of the report.
  2. Analyze the work of competitors, write out the pros and cons.
  3. Analyze the best examples around the world and fix theses on growth points.
  4. Form hypotheses according to the criteria of the best visual report.
  5. Create a new template, distribute to 4-5 clients and collect feedback.
  6. Create an instruction and scale the new document to all instructions.

R – Redline (deadline and priority)

Redline- is the time by which the result should appear and the task is handed over.

Task priority = importance of this task compared to other ones.

Key points:

  1. The redline is not set the same as deadline – when the concequencies of a delay are fatal. Redline is the time by which the task should be completed with a safe margin to deadline.
  2. It is necessary to make account for task’s assignee. If the executor breaks redlines, but performs well – make a correction on the redline.

Task priority must be in sync between the reporter and the assignee, between departments and teams. Priority is used when it is necessary to depriotize tasks or move deadlines. If the priorities in the team are generally not set efficiently, then the Eisenhower matrix will help.


Send a report on Friday 13/02 17:00


Complete the research by the end of March (28/03). And in the middle of the month (14/03) organize a phone call and summarize the status according to intermediate results.

Task priority: high.

M – motivation (motivation)

Answers the question – what is it all for?


We need to develop a tool to control the promptness of responses in customer service TO increase the level of loyalty in order to maintain the current index of satisfaction with the service with a 2-fold increase in staff – then we will get a case of beer.

General Principles

  1. Single task – single responsible person. If there are subtasks within the task, they may have their own responsible, but the owner is always the same.
  2. Do not idealize and overburden the team with tasks (especially RnD ones). Do not forget the Pareto principle – 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts – only 20% of the result. Therefore, if you need a good-enough result fast, don’t elaborate the result criteria too much
  3. A person who doesn’t delegate loses. “It’s faster for me to do it myself than to explain it to Kostya.” Yes, but the overarching task of a manager is to create a system. 2-3 times you will do the task yourself, and 10 is already inefficient, but 20? Why by this point you don’t describe qualitatively repeating task once, create a template and use it?

Example of task with clear result

H: Test new report template and send feedback

D: Lena, hello! We developed a new client report template that we discussed with you in January. Before announcing a customer service, you need to collect feedback on it from customers and adjust it. Without you, we can not cope and connect. The task is not urgent, but important.

R: The result of the task will be feedback from 4-6 clients on the visual component of the report. The form is free.

W: Let’s take 2 biggest clients, 2 longest working clients and 1 or 2 new ones. After a couple of first received clients, duplicate the information in the working chat.

R: If we can make it in 2 weeks (before March 14), it will be cool. If we don’t have time, let’s definitely finish the final so that on March 28 we have feedback.

M: The customer service team will get a cool update report, I’m sure customers will be happy, which will partially affect the study of the NPS index.

RnD task example

H: Develop and implement a new client report template

D: Hey guys! The client department consulted and realized that they had not updated the report templates for a long time. The R&D team is great at researching the market, needs and trends, and would like you to help develop new and modern visuals.

G: We need the coolest report on the market, we ourselves do not really understand all the criteria, let’s synchronize along the way. Attached is an example of a report you like.

W: Let’s start with the analysis of the submitted examples.

R: We plan to start sending out updated reports next month. OK with such DL?

M: We are sure that such studies have not been carried out yet and you will get new experience.


Article content originally sourced from Vova Lantsov.