Digital Leadership & Soft Skills

How to resolve a conflict between teams on a project

Published on (updated: ) in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Projects typically involve multiple parties coming together to form a temporary project organization that manages project execution. Let’s imagine a situation where two teams forming the project team experience friction in practice. Thus, the question is: how can project partners manage the integration of work ethics, practices, and processes to produce the most effective and […]

What is Organizational Project Management?

Published on in Project Management.

To answer the question “what is Organizational Project Management”, let’s read a fragment of the recent work “Company ‘As Is – To Be’: how Project Management theory can be used to improve and streamline processes in a real case study” by Micol Abello: The OPM is a ‘strategy execution framework to align portfolio, program, and […]

The Use of Data Dictionaries for Business Analysis

Published on in Business Analysis.

What Is a Data Dictionary? Data Dictionary – a collection of names, definitions, and attributes about data elements that are being used or captured in a database, information system, or part of a research project. A data dictionary is used to catalog and communicate the structure and content of data and provides meaningful descriptions for […]

What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Published on in Business Analysis.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the cost-effective and time-efficient process that development teams use to design and build high-quality software. The SDLC aims to produce software that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates, and poses minimal risk. ISO/IEC 12207 is an international standard for software life-cycle processes. It […]

🚀 Role of Generalists in Digital Transformation

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

From the publications of Adam Smith, economies, top managers and company owners strived to implement separation of labor and hire specialists to fill all the key positions. But in more recent works, we can often find mentions of generalists as an important part of the organization in Digital Transformation processes. Thus, a question rises: who […]

How to create Project Status Update Dashboard in Confluence

Published on (updated: ) in Project Management.

Have you ever spent one hour writing a Project Status Update email collecting updates from a dozen of colleagues in chat? I have. And you know what? I don’t want to ever repeat that experience. If you use Jira or at least Trello in your workflow, you may say “Let’s make the requestor check statuses […]

How to apply Lessons Learned to improve Project Delivery

Published on in Project Management.

There is no such thing as a perfect process. Ways of working can evolve to produce better outcomes. Lessons Learned is one of the tools that PMs use to identify issues and opportunities in processes. According to PMBOK Guide 7th edition Lessons Learned is a form of internal knowledge about improvements from a specific delivery […]

3 Key Diagrams for Stakeholder Analysis

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Effective working relationships with the stakeholders are crucial for successful project execution for both Project Managers and Business Analysts. Therefore, it’s important to plan for Stakeholder Engagement (or Stakeholder Management) beforehand. As per BABOK Guide v3: Plan Stakeholder Engagement involves conducting a thorough stakeholder analysis to identify all of the involved stakeholders and analyze their […]

Data Visualization with dashboards: Use Cases

Published on in Business Analysis.

There are multiple Business Intelligence instruments available nowadays. However, many corporate world employees still don’t understand the scope of applications for dashboards and other visualizations. In this article, I’ll try to explain when and where you can and should apply BI instruments to deliver value to your company. Let’s begin with a fundamental concept. Data […]

What is the difference between BRD, FRD, and SRS

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Working as a Business Analyst, you’ll have to work with several documents for Software Development. BAs usually use two documents: a Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Functional Specification Document (FRD). However, other documents exist and they work together to create a comprehensive view of the project. One of the most important ones is Software Requirement […]

How to apply Issue Trees to solve complex issues

Published on (updated: ) in Business Analysis.

Issue Trees are the tool for “dividing and conquering”. An Issue Tree is a map of the problem you have to solve. Just like a good map it covers the whole problem area and doesn’t go into the slightest details (the specific hypotheses), but focuses on the broad aspects of your problem (the categories). It […]

Do more with less: Pre-Week Planning technique

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Do more with less is a common trend in the business world. It requires filtering out low-priority everyday tasks in favor of long-term goals. Thus, Time management is one of the most useful skills for a specialist. One tool to systematize your efforts in business and personal life is Pre-Week Planning. It empowers people to […]

🦾 Next-generation software development will change the industry in 2023

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

The next generation of software development tooling improves processes and software quality across each stage of the software development life cycle (SDLC) enabling more and more nontechnical employees to create applications. These tools include technologies like low-code/no-code platforms, infrastructure-as-code, microservices and APIs, AI “pair programmers”, AI-based testing, and Automated code review. Even though these technologies […]

How to combine Project Management and New Product Development

Published on (updated: ) in Product Management, Project Management.

Breakthrough innovation creates a legal monopoly and helps to gain a competitive advantage. Increased accessibility to alternative suppliers through the Internet intensifies global competition and encourages organizations to optimize innovation processes. Companies develop new products to enter new markets, suit customer needs, stay ahead of the competition, or replace outdated products. New Product Development is […]

Working with people on the project

Published on (updated: ) in Leadership and Soft Skills, Project Management.

As Project Managers, we always work with people: project team members, Project Management Office colleagues, stakeholders, and clients. Working with other people involves dealing with them both logically and emotionally. A successful working relationship allows PM to manage the project effectively and deliver results in a timely fashion. There are many aspects of working with […]

Plan is not a strategy

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

When talking about the future it’s convenient for managers to plan things: a set of actions we want to perform, ideally, with concrete timelines. Planning is one of the five management functions apart from organizing, controlling, motivating & leading, and decision-making. Planning usually takes good judgment skills and includes something like “rent a floor” or […]

Lessons for first-time managers: Skills and Knowledge areas to break into management

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

It’s natural to seek career progression into management or in-depth specialization. Today I’d like to discuss what companies are looking for in leaders to give you an overall understanding of the skills, responsibilities, and everyday tasks of middle managers. Being a head of a team, you maintain a complete and specific function within the organization […]

How to develop your informal network in the organization

Published on in Leadership and Soft Skills.

Much of the real work of companies happens despite the formal organization. Often what needs attention is the informal organization, the networks of relationships that employees form across functions and divisions to accomplish tasks fast. These informal networks can cut through formal reporting procedures to jump-start stalled initiatives and meet extraordinary deadlines. But informal networks […]

How does digital product management differ from the product management of a physical product?

Published on in Product Management.

Digital product management is booming: salaries are high, requirements for candidates are low and many companies are searching for senior PMs. Being an experienced product manager with experience with physical products you may think about switching to digital products. However, in an interview, you may face many questions to which you don’t know the answers. […]

Analysis of E-commerce industry as a part of digital economy of Russia

Published on (updated: ) in Leadership and Soft Skills.

13-14th of October 2022 in Moscow Center of International Trade the biggest e-commerce conference took place. Conference “Electronic trade 2022” united online shops, producers, sellers and retail under one roof. Topic of the event was “Big Remake”. Between 18th and 20th of May 2022 26th Russian Internet Forum took place. What was discussed at these […]